Discussion Forums

We encourage you to join in and participate in our brand new community discussion forums. We will also post here internal emails of general interest - these are denoted by a *. Any thing you would like to tell us? Any comments, suggestions, or questions? Please use these forums to provide or request information, or enter a debate.

As this is a web based facility, once posted your message will stay online. If at anytime you wish a posting (of yours) removed, or if you would rather mail directly, then click here. or just vote it our website survey, see the results

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We will use this to post latest developments, bypassing Webbo. News of your own events/happenings in the Wandle Valley would also be welcomed.

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Information, Comments, feedback, suggestions about the Museum,and local affairs etc.

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How can we improve this resource? Comments, feedback and suggestions about this site.

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Information, Comments, feedback and suggestions about the Wandle Trail.

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Information, Comments, feedback and suggestions. Current issues and debates.

Note from Webbo

We take no responsibility for items submitted by third parties, they are posted automatically without our intervention. Postings shall not infringe any proprietary or other rights of third parties.

We reserve the right to monitor, edit or remove profanity or any posting that disparage or ridicule other people. Postings do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies of the Museum.