Investing in volunteers

Wandle Industrial Museum has signed up to work towards achieving the Investing in Volunteers Award. This exciting project, the first of its kind in the country, currently operates through the four Wandle Valley Volunteer Bureaux of Merton, Sutton, Croydon and Wandsworth.

Being involved in this project will help us to improve the way in which we work with volunteers, and help us to show how much we value all their input to the success of the Museum.

When we achieve the award we will be able to use the Investing in Volunteers logo on all our stationery, and this will show prospective volunteers that everyone in the organization takes volunteering seriously. Achieving the award will also raise our profile locally, and show our funders that we are a responsible organization.

But that is still some way in the future, and the first thing we need to do is to set up a small working group of staff, Trustees and volunteers. Maureen Watson, the Development Officer for Investing in Volunteers in Merton is based in Merton Volunteer Bureau, and she will work with us throughout the process of achieving the award. Maureen will be at the party on 15 December for a short time, to tell us more about Investing in Volunteers. If you would like to know how you can be involved in helping us achieve the Award please contact Sheila Harris on 020 8648 0127

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